車厘子之驚喜! Cherry Surprise!

Cherry Fruits

今日去超市買0野~ 其中買咗車厘子~

屋企得Papa bear, 啤啤2號同埋我食~

啤啤3號唔鐘意食 (因為佢驚食到手指紅色😂)~

啤啤1號唔識食/唔鐘意食? (以前俾過佢食, 同佢講有核不過佢理解唔到一野咬落去…所以有一排我0地要去核先俾佢食….後來佢又唔係咁鐘意食喇)~

咁我買咗返0黎之後, 洗咗幾粒放碟仔諗住俾啤啤2號試0下甜唔甜~

放底咗0係檯面我就繼續執0野~ 放番好超市買嘅0野~

我返0黎見試咗粒喇喎, 就無理繼續執0野~

來來回回咁見到食晒喇喎, 就問啤啤2號甜唔甜~ 順便叫佢下次食乾淨d啦, 仲有d肉癡住~ 😂

點知佢話無食到! 😲


佢都無食到喎! 😲

Papa Bear 返緊工就唔會係佢啦…

問啤啤1號 (佢唔識講0野唔識對答, 但我一樣會同佢好似普通人咁講0野傾計嘅)

佢只係望0下我, 然後笑0下就走咗去~


原來佢識食喇!!!!! 😲😲😭

我不停贊佢叻叻識食車厘子!!!  仲要食得咁乾淨!!!  無錯! 對啤啤1號0黎講係超級乾淨喇!! 🤩


車理子係seasonal 唔係全年都有得賣!  點會咁嘅呢?

後尾諗起, 佢鐘意食柑仔 & 橙, 有時有核佢都識lur出0黎!

一定係練得多就識咗喇!! 😍😭

雖然對好多人0黎講, 呢d係好小事~

但對啤啤1號0黎講, 係一個極大嘅進步啊!! 🥰🥲

啤啤1號加油! 媽媽知道其實妳識更多!  只不過未識表達俾我0地聽0者! ❤️

I went grocery shopping today. It’s cherry season! I brought a couple of pounds home.

Only Papa Bear, Bear2 and I eat cherries.

Bear3 is afraid of getting his fingers all red. 😂

Bear1 doesn’t know how to eat cherries. One year, we gave her a cherry and told/warned her there was a pit inside but she didn’t understand and took a bite right on the pit…ouch!

Ever since then, we removed the cherry pits before giving them to her. She liked it for awhile then she chose to eat other fruits over cherries. 😅

Back to my grocery shopping, so after I came home, I washed a few cherries for Bear2 to try.

I put them on the table then went back to putting the grocery away.

I asked Bear2 if the cherries were sweet.

She said she didn’t eat them yet!! 😲

Bear3 didn’t eat them too!! 😲

Papa Bear was at work so it couldn’t be him…

Bear1? 🤔

I asked her… (she’s non-verbal but we still talk to her like a normal individual.)

She looked at me, gave me a smile (or was it a smirk? 😂) and walked away.

To test my theory, I washed a few more cherries and offered them to her.

OMG! Since when did she know how to eat cherries properly?! 😲🤩😭

I was shocked!!

Cherries are seasonal so we don’t always buy them. How and when did she learn to eat them correctly?

Then I realized, she loves mandarin and oranges too! She knows how to spit those seeds out!!

She’s been practicing all this time in preparation for eating cherries!! 🥲

Great job Bear1!! Mommy is very proud of you!!

I know you know more than we think you do! 🥲❤️

I’ll make sure to have cherries on my shopping list from now on! 😍


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