Hair Cut Day 剪頭髮

Several Scissors

I don’t remember how long ago but it’s been a while that we no longer get our hair cut at a hair salon!


We cut our own hair now!! That’s right! XDDD

So, today, Papa Bear cut his hair and Baby Bear helped trim it XDDD

It was FUN!! XDD  It was the first time Baby Bear cut his daddy’s hair! XDD

I think he did a pretty nice job! 😀


哈哈….無錯無錯!  我地自己剪頭髮! XDD

今日, 啤啤爸剪好頭髮之後, 啤啤三號就幫手修一修!

今次係啤啤三號第一次幫手剪頭髮呢!  佢都不知幾開心又興奮!

當然, 媽媽要0係隔離睇住 XD


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