吃便當 Bento Box

pasta, fettuccine, fresh pasta-1181189.jpg

I just started a PT job last week. 

By the time I get home from work, it might be pass my little bears’ dinner time. I’m still working on how to manage my daily schedule.

For now, they will have bentos for dinner for some days until I figure out what to do:)


Papa Bear & Bear1 don’t really like bentos^^”

Sometimes they will have something like potato chicken stew over rice with some veggies; I will be posting a recipe for it very soon!

Edited – Here’s the video for it:)

We normally film what we usually eat:)

One bird kills two stones? NO!! One stone kills two birds?! ^^”

For those of you might be wondering, how come Papa Bear doesn’t cook? XD. Yes he does! Sometimes he cooks too! He makes perfect rice! LOL ….Have you seen those rice cooking challenge shorts yet? XDDD

Besides rice, he does make simple dishes like stir fry; perhaps I should film his lovely cooking in the future for those who are interested:)



所以最近只好整定便當盒俾佢0地; 直至諗到辦法再調整日常時間表:)

我0地有三個小朋友. 兩個鐘意食便當:)


所以Papa Bear 會同大女食其它0野


薯仔炆雞係我大女最愛嘅! 佢有自閉症; 飲食比較picky.

其實最初我開Youtube channel 其中一個原因都係想錄低佢鐘意嘅食譜; 等將來可以用得著:)


BTW, 薯仔炆雞嘅制作過程我都錄低咗; 應該呢一兩個星期會出. 希望大家支持0下啦:D

(薯仔炆雞出咗片喇! 上面按落去就睇到. 多謝支持先! =)

#bentobox #bearbearkitchen#便當菜#啤啤廚房

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