大年初一! 龍運亨通! Happy Lunar New Year 2024!

Top View of a Red Envelope beside Chopsticks
新年快樂! 今日係大年初一!

祝福大家好運一整年! 天天快樂! 笑容滿面!  身體健康!  龍馬精神!  萬事如意!  出入平安!  財源滾滾來!

煮咗碟南乳煮齋~ 簡單易做又好味!  有興趣可以睇0下0架! 🙂


其實我耐唔耐都會整嘅~ 🙂  簡單又可以當早餐或放晚餐盒.  返學就唔會帶蘿蔔糕, 因為外國人聞唔慣蘿蔔味! XD

Happy Lunar New Year!! This is the year of the DRAGON! 🙂

Wishing everyone a happy, healthy and prosperous new year! I made a vegetarian dish today – Braised Vegetables With Tofu In Fermented Red Beancurd Sauce. Traditionally, we don’t eat meat on the first day of the new year. 😭

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