Childbirth Recall – Happy Birthday To Baby Bear! & Happy Anniversary To Us! 生產回憶 – 生日快樂 & 結婚週年快樂!

White Bear Plush Toy

A few years ago…I was about 38 weeks pregnant.

Baby Bear decided to come out from my belly early….on our anniversary!

It wasn’t planned. Baby Bear arrived 3 weeks earlier than expected!

On that day, I saw blood after using the bathroom…

It was my 3rd pregnancy. From experience, my 2nd time went super fast! Bear2 came out so quickly!!

Flash back to my 2nd pregnancy….my contractions went from one a minute, to every 20 seconds, to every 10 seconds within 2 minute time frame! Then Bear2 decided to just pull herself out!! Yes!! She pushed herself out!! I did not push AT ALL!! It was very painful too!!

I had a feeling that Bear3 would do the same to me!!

Anyways, so back to seeing blood after using the bathroom. Weather forecast said there will be a big snowstorm coming. I knew I just had to go to the hospital ASAP!

Papa Bear was working from home that day thank goodness! I quickly called my mom to come over to watch Bear 1&2. Then I showered – Yes! If I didn’t shower, I didn’t know when I would be able to! XDD

Papa Bear drove me to the hospital. The nurse checked me and told me to go home! The nerve!? After we drove so far too!! I was like, what?! NO! I’m not going anywhere! I’m staying here until my baby comes out! They said they couldn’t check me in because I wasn’t 39 weeks pregnant yet…. However, I was 2 cm dilated at that time and it was my 3rd pregnancy… My body knows if you know what I mean!!!

We didn’t live close to the hospital. It was about an hour drive without traffic. I knew my baby will come out that day and I knew if I chose to go home, I wouldn’t have enough time to go back to the hospital. My doctor’s hospital.

I told Papa Bear I would not go home, I knew the baby will come out soon. The head nurse came and I told her the same thing. She laughed at me and gave me the “I don’t believe you” look and said, “you know the baby is coming? today?” She turned to another nurse with a sarcastic smirk.

No matter how many times they told us to go home, we refused. So the nurse told us to wait in the cafeteria for a little bit and see what happens first. Contractions was about every 20 minutes at that time and getting a little stronger.

We went back to the labor and delivery department about an hour later because my contractions was about every 10 minutes now. They checked me again. I was about 6 cm dilated.

They finally checked me in!!

Bear3 came out about an hour after I checked in.

My contractions suddenly came every 10 seconds and was very strong. I knew it was time! My doctor went to get coffee when the sudden contraction change hit me! I told Papa Bear, “HURRY!! GO GET THE DOCTOR!!” He ran out to the hallway and yelled for help….very politely and slowly….

Papa Bear: “Excuse me, excuse me, do you know where’s our Doctor?”

Nurse: “I believe she’s in the coffee station, how may I help you?”

Papa Bear: “My wife is in pain.”

Me from the room yelling: “HURRY!! Tell her to get my Doctor!!!! NOW!!! QUICK!!!!”

Nurse heard me: “Ok ok, I’ll go get her now!”

My doctor came back running about 30 seconds later…I said the baby is coming!! It’s pushing!! I tried to hold back but I couldn’t!! It was like I had to poop it out!! OMG!! I was sweating so much trying to hold it in!! In my head, I was thinking, “oh no…I just showered and now I’m stinky again….”

My doctor told me not to push while she hurriedly put on her doctor’s smock and gloves. I told her I couldn’t control it!! I couldn’t hold it anymore! Contractions came every 10 seconds… then 3 seconds pause… then repeat.

Bear3 came out very quickly…just like Bear2…

As soon as I saw the doctor was ready, I just let Bear3 push himself out… like a quarterback taking a handoff! Phew~~

Just in time~

I felt great afterwards!

No more pain!

I could even walk right away this time! But of course, the doctor and the nurse didn’t allow me to and I was wheeled to the recovery room in a wheelchair holding Bear3. Everyone walked by us congratulating us.

Time flies… a few years later… and Baby Bear aka Bear3 is no longer a baby anymore.

He picked his own birthday cake this year. We had a little party at home for him.

Happy Birthday Bear3!

P.S. Happy Anniversary SG!!


小啤啤3號自己決定早三個星期出世!! 揀咗0係我同Papa Bear 結婚週年嗰日!

因為小啤啤二號出世嗰時超級快就生咗! 所以到第三胎我0地都好留意住.


話說有一朝早我起床之後, 如常去廁所尿尿. 唯一唔同嘅就係…見血!!

心諗, 咁早就想出0黎見我0地喇? 預產期係月尾喎!

仲安排好晒小啤啤二號生日會添0架 (小啤啤二號係月中生日嘅)…唔知佢會唔會失望呢….

當時都唔記得咗嗰日係結婚週年喇 ^^”

嗰日 Papa Bear 0係屋企做工. 我同佢都話要即刻入院!

今次我0地好冷靜處理 (有晒經驗喇嘛~ 哈哈)

Papa Bear 幫我執走佬袋.

我call我媽過0黎. 佢要大半個鐘先0黎到.

我就去沖涼洗頭. 哈哈…最緊要洗頭先! 到時坐月盡量拖得就拖唔洗頭嘛! XD

成個過程都好順利. 當時我仲未有陣痛.

醫院離我屋企唔塞車要一個鐘. 塞車可能要兩個鐘呢!


去到醫院, 護士幫我做檢查.


護士檢查後, 話已開咗兩度. 但因為BB仲未夠39週 (醫院Policy未到39週唔可以入院),


我0地同佢0地講, 我0地住遠, 同埋上一胎好快就出世了.

我同護士講, 我感覺到BB今日會出世. 我唔可以離開.

當時陣痛密咗. 但仍是輕微.

不過,記得上一胎由一級到十級痛,都只係相隔唔夠兩分鐘時間; 一到十級,小啤啤2號就自己扯自己出0黎喇!

我個主診醫生話都無辦法. 係醫院Policy.

佢叫我0地0係醫院附近行0下. 看看情況再作決定.

後來有個高級護士過0黎同我檢查. 可是嗰時都仲係開得兩度.

佢仲問我, 問我咁肯定BB今日會出世? 我話係. 係今日.

我以為佢會俾我入院. 點知佢才是衰人!



個護士都只係敷衍下佢就算 哈哈….

後來護士叫我0地落去食堂坐0下, 行0下… 如果陣痛密咗再上去檢查

我同Papa Bear 0係食堂諗定兩個計劃:

1- 0係附近租酒店等生
2- 去附近親戚家等生

後來陣痛多咗. 哈哈….我好開心好感恩…因為我0地無返到屋企!


佢0地俾我check in喇.

小啤啤3號大概check in 後一個鐘就出來了.

當時陣痛去到每十秒一次. 我feel 到係同小啤啤2號出世時嘅感覺一無一樣0架!

我叫Papa Bear唔-好-按-鐘-等-喇! 快-d-出-房-叫-醫-生!! 快-d-呀! 快!




嗰時我超級痛! 我0係房嗌出去… 護士聽見! 然後我聽見佢跑去找醫生


我當時好辛苦! 個肚好似肚屙痛嘅一百倍!

感覺到要屙屎! 係控制唔到嘅! 身體要我push!

我嘗試同身體對抗唔俾push! 但我好辛苦! 標晒汗! 想暈!

每十秒0黎一次! 之後俾三秒我透氣,唔痛 (神奇).

三秒後又來了! 每一次都好辛苦好肚痛, 一百倍肚痾嘅痛!!

每一次我都感覺到BB係下面推出0黎咗少少! 已經0係門口喇!

唔係我push的!! 唔知乜野力量身體自己扯BB出0黎嘅!

我感覺自己差唔多暈喇…但心叫住自己唔好暈呀!! 頂住呀!!


Papa Bear 不斷叫我唔好push.


醫生0黎到喇!! 我即刻好似見到救星咁!!

醫生啱啱戴好手套, 我就由小啤啤3號自己push 出0黎; 無再忍住



幾年後嘅今日, 我都仲好記得當時嘅情況.



小啤啤三號生日快樂! 今年佢自己揀生日蛋糕~ 上個月已揀定喇~

Papa Bear, Happy Anniversary! Thank you for everything.

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