
大家好! 🤗

大家好! 歡迎來到啤啤廚房! 🤗 大家可以叫我啤啤. ❤️

我喜歡煮, 喜歡食, 喜歡笑呵呵的過每一天. 🤗


  • 我的簡單家常菜食譜, 便當盒菜式, 各種甜品, 小食和湯水食譜~
  •  一家五口在美國的生活點滴~ ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  • 三個小朋友的成長經歷~ 👧🏻👧🏻🧒🏻
  • 我們的喜怒哀樂~ 😜😡😢😄

Hello Everyone! 🤗

Hi everyone! Welcome to BearBear Kitchen! 🤗 You can call me BearBear. ❤️

I like to cook, eat and try to be happy everyday. 🤗

I’m married and we have three beautiful children. 👧🏻👧🏻🧒🏻

On our website, I will talk about:

  • My simple and easy recipes which include our everyday meals and lunchbox food recipes 😃
  •  Our family of five ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  • Our happiness, sadness and life challenges 😜😡😢☺️

Our Goals

  1. Be happy; enjoy life! 🤩
  2. Be healthy; stay healthy! 🥰
  3. Complete our bucket list with our family! 🥰
  4. Never stay mad / upset after midnight! 🙃 
  5. Eat more yummy foods! 😋
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歡迎瀏覽我們的 Youtube 煮食頻道! 🙂

試過我們的食譜的話, 可以分享你們的作品到啤啤廚房 Instagram 或電郵寄給我們.  我們會考慮將閣下的作品貼堂放在啤啤廚房網站啊! 🥰

工作聯絡: Email 

More Info About BearBear Kitchen

Please visit my BearBearKitchen channel on Youtube to see all my cooking videos! Thanks!

Please share your pictures if you’ve tried making my recipes on Instagram. I’d love to see them and share your pictures on our website! 🥰

Also, you can contact me via Email for sponsorships, reviews or if you have any questions!