Bear1 went on a field trip with her class to LifeTown! 🙂
It’s like a mini town for special needs children to learn and explore how the real world is!
There are all kinds of fun things to do there. There is a mini movie theater, a bank, a supermarket, a nail salon, a flower shop, etc. It’s just like a little town! 😀
Each student gets a little booklet when they get there. When they complete a task, someone would mark it off for them. I love this idea especially for non-verbal kids like Bear1, I was able to get to know EVERYTHING she did there! 🙂
Here were some of the things she did! 🙂
I thought this was so cute! Bear1 got her nails done there! LOL!
It was the first time she got her nails done at a “nail salon”!!
She made this beautiful jewelry box which she uses it to store her candies at home now! 🥲😍
She went to a flower shop and planted flowers from seeds. 🥰
She went to ShopRite (supermarket) and bought juice! 😍
She supposedly went to the “bank” and withdrew “money” to spend there! 🥲☺️
I didn’t go with her but I could definitely feel the excitement she had! Thanks to her teachers and paras for taking pictures of her. This means a lot to me! 🥲❤️
呢度有好多野玩啊! 真係好似一個社區咁!
有戲院, 超市, 銀行, 指甲店, 寵物店, 花店, 等等.
啤啤一號第一次去外面做指甲! 哈哈! 實在太可愛了!
佢仲去咗”銀行”開戶口, 提款去超市買東西! 買咗盒果汁啊! 哈哈… 是她自己揀嘅呢!
仲做了小盒子手工和 種了花!
聽老師講, 佢0地仲去咗”戲院” 睇戲! 🥲😍
好鐘意呢個地方! 因為每個小朋友都會有自己嘅小冊子, 當完成一樣活動就會寫上去!
啤啤一號唔識用言語表達自己, 所以我見到本小冊子就好似佢同我分享當日做過d 咩咁! 🥲
多謝老師們拍了相片給我們❤️ 等我0地可以了解更多當日嘅情況! ❤️