
Red Chili Peppers
My Favorite Sriracha
What’s your favorite Sriracha hot sauce? Mine used to be Huy Fong; the one with the picture of a rooster on the bottle. I used that for almost EVERYTHING!...
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Tomato & Squash Plants Update
So… this summer, we didn’t harvest that many tomatoes.  One of the reasons was probably because we didn’t plant it in the ground.  We...
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Black and Gray Microphone
北極雪 翻唱: 啤啤 & Tony
以前嘅我都幾鐘意唱K 😄 自從結婚後, 有了小朋友後, 就無出去唱了. 屋企播嘅歌都只係兒歌🤣😅 而家呢, 有時都會用電話唱0下😄 回味0下🙂 按此聽北極雪 BearBear’s Singing 北極雪 原唱: 陳慧琳 & 馮德倫 (男)北極雪下在那頭 寂寞不寂寞 誰的想念是他的等候 (女)你若問我快不快樂 寂寞不寂寞 (合)牽你手貼我手 感覺我的脈搏 你要試着瞭解 試着體會 用心好好感覺 然後你才能夠看得見 快樂傷悲 也許我的眼淚 我的笑臉 只是完美的表演 (女)聽説北極下了雪 你可會也覺得它很美...
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Cherry Fruits
車厘子之驚喜! Cherry Surprise!
今日去超市買0野~ 其中買咗車厘子~ 屋企得Papa bear, 啤啤2號同埋我食~ 啤啤3號唔鐘意食 (因為佢驚食到手指紅色😂)~ 啤啤1號唔識食/唔鐘意食? (以前俾過佢食, 同佢講有核不過佢理解唔到一野咬落去…所以有一排我0地要去核先俾佢食….後來佢又唔係咁鐘意食喇)~ 咁我買咗返0黎之後,...
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