
Brown Ceramic Bear Playing Instrument Decor
什麼是真正的朋友? 話說某個週末, 我0地一家開車去附近公園玩和野餐. 差唔多到步嘅時候,  我0地架車無端端發出怪聲! 然後Papa Bear 話steering wheel好難轉啊! 轉不到轉不到! 咁點算好? 轉頭返屋企先定開去車行? Papa Bear 話要搵個地方拍埋一邊; 唔可以再開; 因為唔知咩事;...
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Macro Shot of Grass Field
Gardening 2024
What are we going to plant this year? 🤔 Went to Home Depot back in April…   We decided to plant tomatoes & strawberries this year!!...
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White Ceramic Teacup
母親節 2024 Mother's Day
最近有點忙.  要追返d post 先! 🙂 每年母親節, 我都好期待我d 小朋友會做咩手工禮物俾我.  佢地學校每年都會教佢0地做小手工送俾媽媽. 佢0地細個d嗰時好搞笑架! 咁母親節每年都係0係星期日0架嘛…. 星期五放學返屋企就”劈”低書包架喇, 星期六日唔駛返學架嘛,...
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School Bus in Village
Bear1 Field Trip To LifeTown In Livingston, NJ 啤啤一號跟學校去旅行
Bear1 went on a field trip with her class to LifeTown! 🙂 It’s like a mini town for special needs children to learn and explore how the real world...
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