
The word update is spelled out in scrabble tiles
Test Post After Site Updates
This is a test post after installing updates!  
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White Rabbit Figurine on White and Pink Floral Textile
Happy Easter! 復活節快樂!
Happy Easter! We had a family Easter egg hunt this year again! 🙂 This year, Grandma Bear joined too! XDD They had so much fun! 🙂 Who found the most hidden...
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Healthy Lunchboxes 
Bento Boxes 午/晚餐盒
It’s time to share our bento boxes again! 🙂 Before we begin, let me show you what Bear3 made me!! XDD Yes!! He made me a bento box!  He found things...
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cloud, heart, love-5055011.jpg
Met up with a former colleague
It’s been years that we last met! We used to work for the same company. We ate lunch together. We hung out after work. We were pregnant about the...
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