
Close-up Photo of Colorful Pastel Balloons
Happy Birthday To Bear2! 妹妹生日快樂!
Bear2’s birthday was in February. This year, besides the Hello Kitty bubble tea I bought her, she got to choose her own birthday presents! She’s...
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Red Background With 123456789 Text Overlay
100th Day of School Poster 百日學海報
School project = family project 😄 To celebrate 100th day of school, Bear3’s teacher gave his class a project where we needed to create a poster with...
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White Bear Plush Toy
Childbirth Recall - Happy Birthday To Baby Bear! & Happy Anniversary To Us! 生產回憶 - 生日快樂 & 結婚週年快樂!
A few years ago…I was about 38 weeks pregnant. Baby Bear decided to come out from my belly early….on our anniversary! It wasn’t planned....
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Close-up of Handmade Pottery on Table
Family Gathering 家人聚餐
嘩!!  好耐無搞大型聚餐了!  😍 今次係家人團拜聚餐~  其實一開始只係過媽打到拜年. 點知傾0下講0下變咗開party! 😆 完全係Last minute決定!😆🥰 好開心好耐無見嘅親戚一路雞啄唔斷咁傾傾傾!😍 食食食!😋 Family gathering for Chinese New...
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