
Bunch of Heart-shaped Assorted-color Tablets
Valentine's Day 2024 情人節
We don’t really celebrate Valentine’s Day. Everyday is a Valentine’s Day. Haha! We wish! XDD Actually, Valentine’s Day became a...
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Top View of a Red Envelope beside Chopsticks
大年初一! 龍運亨通! Happy Lunar New Year 2024!
新年快樂! 今日係大年初一! 祝福大家好運一整年! 天天快樂! 笑容滿面!  身體健康!  龍馬精神!  萬事如意!  出入平安!  財源滾滾來! 煮咗碟南乳煮齋~ 簡單易做又好味!  有興趣可以睇0下0架! 🙂 “”...
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Mini Costco Haul - New Finds February 2024 @Costco執到寶
So…I had to buy milk and eggs today because we were running low on them… Then…I decided to go to Costco 😀 And…I saw some new items....
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Simple Art & Craft for Toddlers & Young Kids 幼童簡單小手工
One of my job duties at work is to do art & craft with the little one(s). Usually I would prepare some activities the night before. Here are some fun...
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