Fun Activities 有趣玩意

Landscape Photograph of Skies

踩單車; 到公園玩 Biking & Playground Date

天氣咁好就要出去玩0下,  輕鬆0下, 吸0下新鮮空氣! 🙂 話說上年妹妹話要學兩輪單車. 不過未學識就放埋一邊無咩心機再學. 所以今年決定都係買個助輪按上去, 等佢有返踩單車嘅興趣, 如果遲些想再學先再學啦:) 就係咁,  我0地就去咗公園玩. 呢個公園仲有個遊樂場. 又可以散步. 好舒服 😀 熱d可以帶埋野食0黎野餐添! 哈哈… We went biking today and spent some time at the playground! It was beautiful but a bit chilly. When the weather gets warmer, we’ll come again for a picnic! 🙂        

踩單車; 到公園玩 Biking & Playground Date Read More »