Fun Activities 有趣玩意

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100th Day of School Poster 百日學海報

School project = family project 😄 To celebrate 100th day of school, Bear3’s teacher gave his class a project where we needed to create a poster with 100 things of our choice and be creative with it. We came up with this…😃 We loved it!! 🥰 每年學校都會慶祝上學一百天! 小年級的小朋友都會慶祝百日學同埋做手工.  每個小朋友都要自選一百樣東西來做手工/海報. 例如: 100張貼紙, 100塊餅乾, 100支蠟筆, 100粒米, 等等

100th Day of School Poster 百日學海報 Read More »

pencils, colored pencils, art-6099511.jpg

School Ambassador 學校大使 & Girls Outing 女子組約會

Bear2’s been chosen to be one of the school ambassadors this year! Congratulations Bear2! 😀 Ambassadors will: Model the importance of school wide expectations at home, at school, and in the community Encourage a positive school climate Celebrate the successes of your classmates Lead by example I’m so proud of her! <3 To celebrate this

School Ambassador 學校大使 & Girls Outing 女子組約會 Read More »