Special Days / Holidays 特別節日

Close-up of Handmade Pottery on Table

Family Gathering 家人聚餐

嘩!!  好耐無搞大型聚餐了!  😍 今次係家人團拜聚餐~  其實一開始只係過媽打到拜年. 點知傾0下講0下變咗開party! 😆 完全係Last minute決定!😆🥰 好開心好耐無見嘅親戚一路雞啄唔斷咁傾傾傾!😍 食食食!😋 Family gathering for Chinese New Year! 😍 We had a lot of fun chatting and eating the whole time! 😍😋

Family Gathering 家人聚餐 Read More »

Bunch of Heart-shaped Assorted-color Tablets

Valentine’s Day 2024 情人節

We don’t really celebrate Valentine’s Day. Everyday is a Valentine’s Day. Haha! We wish! XDD Actually, Valentine’s Day became a family day after we had kids. 🥰🥲 I’m thankful that everyone in the family are happy and healthy everyday. I don’t ask for anything else anymore. ❤️👩🏻‍❤️‍👨🏻👧🏻👧🏻👦🏻❤️ The little bears however, they celebrate Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day 2024 情人節 Read More »

Top View of a Red Envelope beside Chopsticks

大年初一! 龍運亨通! Happy Lunar New Year 2024!

新年快樂! 今日係大年初一! 祝福大家好運一整年! 天天快樂! 笑容滿面!  身體健康!  龍馬精神!  萬事如意!  出入平安!  財源滾滾來! 煮咗碟南乳煮齋~ 簡單易做又好味!  有興趣可以睇0下0架! 🙂   我仲整咗小啤啤1鐘意食嘅蘿蔔糕! 其實我耐唔耐都會整嘅~ 🙂  簡單又可以當早餐或放晚餐盒.  返學就唔會帶蘿蔔糕, 因為外國人聞唔慣蘿蔔味! XD Happy Lunar New Year!! This is the year of the DRAGON! 🙂 Wishing everyone a happy, healthy and prosperous new year! I made a vegetarian dish today – Braised Vegetables With Tofu In

大年初一! 龍運亨通! Happy Lunar New Year 2024! Read More »