Fun Activity For Little Bears 小啤啤小玩意

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Little Bear always looks at these Popin’Cookin’ DIY food/treats whenever we pass by them in supermarkets.

I usually won’t buy toys for them when we shop,  It’s one of our house rules:).  I usually would tell them to write/draw on their Christmas Wish List if they see something they like, and see if Santa will treat them good when holiday comes:)

This time, I bought them a set.  It was because they’ve been behaving and helping each other while I was at work. 🙂  I bought it as a reward for them:)

Back to the DIY set, there were different sets to choose from.  Little Bear picked this ice cream set to play with Baby Bear. 🙂

It was actually pretty fun! XDD. They are edible so they got to enjoy their own creations afterwards! 😀




孤寒媽媽通常都唔買 :X  由佢0地懂事開始, 我就唔會無緣無故買玩具俾佢0地.  我諗都算係我0地啤家嘅家規之一吧.  所以從小到大佢地都唔會lur地買野 ^^”

我會叫佢0地寫/畫落Wish list 度俾聖誕老人, 睇0下如果嗰年乖, 到聖誕節, 聖誕老人就有機會送俾佢0地喇 😀


其實係一個小獎勵俾佢地呢排好乖好聽話 <3  我每日返工嗰幾個鐘佢地都無打交XD

今次唔駛等成年都有得玩喇 XD

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