Happy Birthday To Bear2! 妹妹生日快樂!

Close-up Photo of Colorful Pastel Balloons

Bear2’s birthday was in February.

This year, besides the Hello Kitty bubble tea I bought her, she got to choose her own birthday presents!

She’s still into toys.  What can I say, she’s still a little girl and will always be my baby even when she gets older. 🙂

Bear2 was very mature since she was a toddler.  She was very bossy :X I mean, curious about everything when she was younger. 🙂

She’s very smart, responsible, creative, considerate, sweet…

She’s been wanting and starting to join our adult conversations at home. 🙂

She’s a little adult wannabe… 🙂

Happy Birthday Bear2! We love you! <3



佢都仲係鐘意公仔, 玩具呢~ 🙂


佢好善解人意, 好識關心人, 好聰明, 好有責任心, 好有創作力, 好可愛…

最近食晚飯嘅時候仲會一齊傾大人嘅問題.  好可愛呢.

妹妹生日快樂!  >3< 愛您啊!

Happy Birthday Bear2!












Bear2 wanted Chicken Alfredo, Sushi Rolls & Chicken Nuggets for her birthday.  She said I could pick the rest. Haha…silly girl!

小啤啤2號話想食白汁雞意粉, 壽司和炸雞粒. 其他就由得我決定喎! 哈哈…傻瓜!

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