Long Weekend 長週末

martin luther king jr, dream, american-749022.jpg

Martin Luther King Jr. Day 1/15/2024

What did we do over this long weekend?

You got it! We played monopoly. XD

It’s one of our favorite board games! We’ve tried different versions of monopoly but we find the traditional one is more fun. Perhaps we’re so used to it. 🙂

I’ve heard there are different versions of monopoly around the world! Our friend sent us a Taiwanese version! XDD 


我0地玩咗兩日大富翁! 哈哈….

原來唔同國家有出自己嘅大富翁遊戲0架喎! 嗯! 印像中細個時係有接足過香港版^^”

有個朋友送咗盒台灣版俾我0地. 哈哈….不過收咗成年都無玩過呀 XDD 我d啤啤成員都唔識睇中文 ^^” 

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