Mini Costco Haul – New Finds February 2024 @Costco執到寶

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So…I had to buy milk and eggs today because we were running low on them…

Then…I decided to go to Costco 😀

And…I saw some new items.  This was one of them!! 😲

They were Hello Kitty and Friends Boba Milk Tea!! 🙂

We’ve had boba tea in cans before and honestly, they tasted disgusting! XDD

BUT!!  With Sanrio characters?? I just couldn’t say no…=X

Bear2’s birthday is coming soon and she loves bubble tea!  I got a case for her. Kekeke…shhhhh! …. 🙂

I also bought a few things for Chinese Lunar New Year and Easter! 🙂

I saw these chocolate eggs and I thought my bears would love them!  However, I need to hide them before Easter comes! 🙂


諗住買0的0野過年添, 咁就去咗Costco.

無意中見到Hello Kitty罐裝珍珠奶茶!  我0地住嘅地區唔係咁多中國人; 人0地嗰0的區賣臘腸, 花旗參, 海參, 等等嘅唐人0野,


所以好驚喜見到有珍珠奶茶! 雖然罐裝應該都係麻麻0地….不過見到Hello Kitty 又好難抗拒! XD

諗諗諗諗….叮!! 小啤啤2就0黎生日喇! 佢又咁鐘意珍奶! 好! 有借口買喇! XD

就係咁, 就買咗箱返屋企:)


袋朱古力蛋應該係復活節貨品.  我d小啤啤一定會鐘意!  用0黎做Easter Egg Hunt / Easter baskets 就啱晒!

唯一問題係要先收埋佢, 唔好俾佢0地搵到先!! 但又唔可以收得太埋連自己都搵唔返! XD

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