Prizes – APHMAU Mee Meows & Gummy Sharks 揀獎品

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Continued from yesterday…

So these are what Bear2 & Bear1 picked.

Bear2 is into APHMAU Mee Meows these days.

She picked three of them.

One is for her reward being chosen as one of the school ambassadors;

the other two are for her birthday this month 🙂

She opened one of them already and called it Slurpee 🙂  She came up with that name because the color combination of that MeeMeow was exactly the colors of the Slurpee she mixed yesterday! XD

As for Bear1, she could choose a little prize too because she’s been doing very well in school using her communication device!

Although she only uses it to request for food most of the time. XD

We are still very proud of her!  She picked one of her favorite snacks – gummies! XD

Actually, we are very happy to see gummy sharks yesterday because they are always out of stock!

尋日戰利品 (獎品) XDD

小啤啤2不嬲都鐘意呢的神秘袋玩意; 類似福袋

最近佢鐘意呢個叫APHMAU Mee Meows~


揀多兩個做佢生日禮物~ 🙂

尋日返0黎已開咗一盒…仲幫隻貓貓改咗個名叫Slurpee (思樂冰) 因為佢嘅顏色係同琴日佢溝出0黎嘅思樂冰一無一樣嘅! XD

仲有兩盒等生日先開. 🙂

而小啤啤1呢,  佢都可以揀樣小禮物因為最近不論0係學校定屋企,  佢都會用佢個communication device跟我地溝通.

雖然現在都只係會用0黎要求拿食物/小食 XD

但每一個小進步對佢0黎講都係一個大挑戰!  我們都會好開心和感恩:)





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