School Ambassador 學校大使 & Girls Outing 女子組約會

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Bear2’s been chosen to be one of the school ambassadors this year! Congratulations Bear2! 😀

Ambassadors will:

  • Model the importance of school wide expectations at home, at school, and in the community
  • Encourage a positive school climate
  • Celebrate the successes of your classmates
  • Lead by example

I’m so proud of her! <3

To celebrate this good news, I took her shopping with Bear1 today.

Girls outing! 😀

After shopping, we went to 7-11 and got Slurpee! XD

It’s one of her favorite treats!  We only go there occasionally.  That’s how it became a special drink.  🙂

Today, Bear1 drank it too!  It was her FIRST time TRYING it and she LIKED it! :X

For many people, it’s nothing when your child eats something new.  However, for Bear1, she has a special nose.

It has to pass her smell test (by sniffing it) before she even want to try it…^^”

9/10 times, she would refuse to even try it!  Today, on our girls date, she tried it and asked for more! 🙂

While we, the girls went out today, the boys (Bear3 & Papa Bear) stayed home and enjoyed some “quiet time”…kekeke…

Looking forward to more girls outings! Son outings & Hubby hangouts!


小啤啤2 被學校選中做學校大使!


為咗獎勵佢, 今日我0地女子組去shopping 揀獎品.

之後去咗7仔飲思樂冰!  小啤啤2好鐘意飲! 可能唔係成日飲,  一年可能1-2次, 所以佢覺得特別正! XD

小啤啤1佢今次係第一次肯試飲同埋追飲! @_@

佢由細到大都好難令佢試新食物.  每樣新食物都要經佢個鼻…聞一聞…過關, 合格先會試食.


期待下次女子組約會!  與仔仔約會! 和與相公約會!


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