Snow Day 落雪喇!

tree, snow, winter-6835828.jpg

First day of snow in 2024!

I had to shovel. The snow wasn’t as bad as some of our friends’ locations; however, it was hard to shovel manually because the snow was wet and made it heavy…very heavy!

I thought I was done for the day after shoveling, but I had a very productive day. 

Played Super Mario with my kids! XDD

Did laundry.



I wonder if anyone is reading my new and only blog?

If you’re reading it….Hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^ I hope you had a wonderful Sunday! Feel free to chat with me down in the comments 😀

I’m working on building this website. It’s a work in progress 🙂

I’ll use this site to jot down my random thoughts and observations, etc.

Hope you’ll find it interesting. 🙂

Creating this website is one of the New Year resolutions! =D


今年第一日落雪! 鏟雪鏟咗差唔多兩個鐘…希望今年唔會落太多雪啦!



同小啤啤打機 – Super Mario XD





如果你正在睇緊嘅話……哈佬哈佬! 你好呀! 食咗飯未呀? 😀

呢個網頁係新開嘅! 暫時會係一個日誌咁. 希望你o地得閒上o黎同我o地留言傾o下計啦! 🙂


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