Soooo Cold!! 好凍呀!!!

winter landscape, trees, snow-2571788.jpg

It was soooo freezing cold today!! Actually it was below freezing!! (13°F/-10°C)

Schools opened later than usual due to freezing and icy conditions. 

When I dropped off our kids to school, my car slid on the patches of ice! >_<. We were ok, the anti-lock brakes and traction control helped minimize the sliding! Thank goodness!

Stay warm and safe everyone!

Made dinner (bento boxes again:) for the kiddos and hubby before I headed out to work:

Just made something simple and quick ^^”

They all enjoyed it and that’s all that matters =D

今日好凍啊!!! 最低得華氏13度!! 地下結冰! 

雖然多數都係上車落車. 但都有兩個街口要行. 學校無位拍車:(

唯有要著到成隻粽咁啦!! XD

好耐都無試過咁凍同埋好乾燥啊! 最近鐘意整無花果雪梨水.

唔知係咪人老咗會越0黎越鐘意呢的養生熱飲呢 =X

天氣乾燥又凍, 大家要保重身體啊!!

今日返工前整咗簡單便當同埋三文魚俾啤啤成員們. 今日都幾求其0下 ^^” 不過佢0地又食得好開心0窩 🙂

#bentobox #bearbearkitchen #便當菜#啤啤廚房


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